Products to improve potency

Man's strength to a great extent depend on the level of overall health. So young, she usually is in excess. With age under the influence of numerous factors of health deteriorates, the vascular system begins to malfunction, it gradually affects sexual activity.

Products to improve potency

To preserve sexual opportunities enough to look after their health, avoiding harmful habits and foods that contain:

  • Carcinogens, preservatives, flavor enhancers;
  • Increased amount of fats (animal, vegetable);
  • Large concentrations of salt and sugar.

To know what foods increase the potency, is enough to get acquainted with their chemical composition. The conservation of libido largely influenced by such substances:

  • Vitamin a (retinol) helps strengthen immunity, protecting the body from any negative impact;
  • B vitamins (thiamin, Niacin, folic acid, pyridoxine) affect the Central nervous system and blood vessels, a positive effect on the erection;
  • Selenium is essential for the preservation of fertility (the possibility of procreation), and testosterone production;
  • Zinc affects the activity of testosterone synthesis, increases immune forces of the body, keeps it healthy prostate gland.

Some nutrients are not able to maintain sexual vigor. Food for potency should be different, be accepted in the daily dishes for the regime. And that should especially be considered to be in sufficient quantity, but not to overload the digestive system.

Foods to improve erections

Centuries of experience allowed to identify the most effective products and recipes to preserve and enhance male power. Among such products are:

  • Quail eggs are especially useful, not only for the male body. They are able to remove radionuclides, containing a triple, in comparison with chicken, the amount of stimulating the potency of the substances. The value of food is enhanced in combination with green onion without any other ingredients;
  • Nuts (pistachios, almonds, walnuts, peanuts) useful in any way, however, to enhance the effect, they often combine with honey, strong natural stimulant;
  • Vegetables (turnips, peppers, cauliflower and broccoli, carrots, beets) and fruit (kiwi, bananas, mango, figs) is a natural source of vitamins, eliminate toxins, stimulate the work of the vessels;
  • Seafood (fatty marine fish, oysters, anchovies, crab) is a source of valuable minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids that enhance cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • Dairy products, meat, natural source of complete proteins for the normal functioning of all body systems.

Of particular importance is the way of cooking. If they cannot be eaten raw, heat treatment should be as simple as: steamed, boiled or baked. Some products it is sufficient to rinse with boiling water.

Herb to increase potency

Herbs increase the potency

In the storeroom of knowledge of different peoples of the world there are many excellent recipes that enhance the ability of men to get excited and commit full sexual intercourse:

  • Special demand is for dandelion leaves, which are harvested during flowering. From them prepare a salad with eggs and green onions, which is used during the week;
  • Herbalists recommend a mixture: 200 grams of raisins, prunes, figs (pitted) grind and add core 12 walnuts. Take 2 tbsp in the late afternoon, to store in the cold;
  • The infusion of garlic, crushed and filled with water, to be shaken every day for a month. Then take the tool to 1 tsp each day until it is complete. 3 l of water take 1 kg of garlic. The drug improves the potency, a positive effect on erection and rejuvenates the body as a whole.

Fruits with aphrodisiac

Aphrodisiacs – foods that increase the libido. Strengthen the ability to a normal sex life can not only tropical fruits, but fruits that grow on the territory of the former Soviet Union:

  • Strawberries home and the forest not only contain valuable vitamins and minerals, but also have a strong stimulating smell;
  • Raspberries contain high amount of zinc, which it is called natural Supplement;
  • Apricots and peaches, although not a purely local culture, are considered as well enhances erectile ability means;
  • Grapes stimulate the production of sex hormones;
  • Quince, apples have many useful properties, including for men increased potency for women — emotional discharge.

Effective products in the pharmacy

If you don't know how to improve potency in the first place tidy overall health, get rid of stress and adjust the mode of the day. Try to engage in pleasant love and don't forget about the importance of physical activity. It is only in combination with proper nutrition to ensure good functionality of all organs and systems, including sexual.